
Animal Dentistry Services
in St. Petersburg, Florida

The Facts Are Hard But the Solution is Easy

  • Oral disease is the most frequently diagnosed infectious disease in pets.
  • By the time they're 4 years old, 85% of dogs and cats show signs of oral disease
  • If left untreated, oral disease can lead to serious consequences for your pet, including severe pain, bad breath and tooth loss.
  • Chronic infections can spread to the major organs, where they can seriously compromise your pet's health

We Offer All Level of Dental Care Including: Teeth Cleaning, X-Rays, and Oral Surgeries

Our approach to pain management involves anticipating potentially painful procedures and taking steps to manage pain from the outset, as well as continuing to manage pain throughout your pet's treatment and recovery process. Did you know that various types of pain can look different in animals?
For example, a dog with chronic arthritis may exhibit very subtle signs of pain that can go unnoticed unless you know what to look for. Fortunately, our staff of compassionate, caring professionals is skilled in recognizing signs of pain in animals and developing an individualized plan for managing pain in our patients. From routine procedures such as a spays or dental cleanings, to more advanced medical treatments such as bone surgeries or cancer treatments, to chronically painful conditions such as arthritis or back pain, we are dedicated to providing safe and effective pain management to every patient. We will also help you recognize signs of pain in your pet so that we can modify his or her pain management plan when necessary.
Recognizing and alleviating pain in our patients is at the very heart of quality, compassionate patient care. We don't take pain management for granted and will employ all our skills to help ensure your pet's comfort, well-being, and full recovery.

A New Weapon in the Treatment and Control of Periodontal Disease

doxirobe gel

  • Simple - Special syringe with a bendable cannula injects DOXIROBE™ Gel (doxycycline) directly into infected pockets.
  • Sure - Flowable polymer quickly stiffens and stays in place to release doxycycline for up to several weeks.
  • Effective - Just one treatment reduces periodontal pocket depth, increases reattachment and reduces gingival inflammation
  • Rewarding - DOXIROBE™ Gel helps save dogs' teeth. Improves gums and fosters better breath.
  • Safe - In a clinical study with multiple treatment sites per dog, all detectable serum concentrations of doxycycline were well below toxic levels, DOXIROBE Gel, however, is not for use in dogs under 1 year of age, because the use of tetracycline during tooth development has been associated with permanent discoloring of teeth. Not for pregnant bitches, as its use in breeding dogs has not been evaluated.
  • Convenient - DOXIROBE™ Gel biodegrades over time, so there's no need for removal.
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